Usage notes
All programs are called from the command line. Running each program with
the option -h also displays a short usage note.
Binary excutable software for Windows XP/Vista/7 is available.
1. hrv_NGindex.exe
Estimation of non-Gaussianity index from RRI time series (Fig. 1). This
program processes the following procedures:
(1) Resampling of RRI time series included in the input file.
(2) Detrending and coarse-graining of the resampled time series.
(3) Estimation of non-Gaussian index at a fixed scale.
(4) Estimation of the probability distribution.
Through those processes, hrv_NGindex.exe genarates 2 files, "***_TS.txt"
and "***_PDF.txt", where *** is the name of the input file. In
"***_TS.txt" and "***_PDF.txt", you can see the resampled
time series and coarse-grained time serimes (Fig. 2), and the estimated
PDF and the approximated PDF with the estimated lambda (Fig. 3), respectively.
hrv_NGindex [Options] rri_data_file > output_file
where "rri_data_file" must have one column data of RRI without
header lines.
-d detrending using a polynomial of degree N
-s scale (sec)
-q order of the absolute moment for estimation
-0 Using step step interporation
-3 Using cubic spline interpolation
-1 linear interpolation
-t Resampling time interval, T
-v Standardize
-m fitting algorithm (M=1:normal equationCM=2:SVD)
-h print this usage summary
Usage examples:
hrv_NGindex.exe rri_sample.txt > result.txt
hrv_NGindex.exe -d 3 -s 25 -3 -t 0.25 -q 0.25 rri_sample.txt > result.txt
Fig. 1: Plot of "rri_sample.txt". |
Fig. 2: "rri_sample_TS.txt" includes the resampled time series
(top) and coarse-grained time series (bottom). |
Fig. 3: "rri_sample_PDF.txt" includes the estimated probability
density function (circles) at a coarse-grained scale and its approximation
using a multiplicative log-normal model (solid lines). |
2. xexpy.exe
Generating time series of independent and identically distributed non-Gaussian
random variables in a multiplicative log-normal model.
xexpy N lambda
3. lmd2stat.exe
Estimation of the non-Gaussian parameter in a multiplicative log-normal
lmd2stat [Options] file
-m order of the absolute moment
-w coarse-grained level of the time series
-h show a short usage note
Usage example:
xexpy 100000 0.8 > sample.txt
lmd2stat sample.txt
4. lncas.exe
Generating time series of log-normal cascade model.
lncas lambda N_{cascade_steps} M
5. msfluc.exe
Generating coarse-grained time series after detrending.
msfluc [Options] < file
-d order of detrending
-w coarse-grained level of the time series
-h show a short usage note
Usage example:
lncas 0.8 14 4 > sample.txt
msfluc -d 3 -w 16 < sample.txt > sample16.txt
lmd2stat sample16.txt