1. Yamamoto T, Smith CE, Suzuki Y, Kiyono K, Tanahashi T, Sakoda S, Morasso P, Nomura T,"Universal and individual characteristics of postural sway during quiet standing in healthy young adults",Physiological Reports,3(3) e12329
  2. Hayate KOJIMA, Yoshinobu MAEDA, Taishin NOMURA,"Reproduction of Four-Leg Animal Gaits Using a Coupled System of Simple Hardware CPG Models",IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences,98(2) 508-509
  3. Sugo Noriyuki, et al. "Single-Molecule Imaging Reveals Dynamics of CREB Transcription Factor Bound to Its Target Sequence." Scientific reports 5 (2015).
  4. Asai, Yoshiyuki, et al. "Databases for multilevel biophysiology research available at Physiome. jp." Frontiers in physiology 6 (2015)
  5. ヒト静止立位と二足歩行の運動揺らぎと間欠制御モデル,野村泰伸,共同利用・共同研究拠点 MIMS 現象数理学拠点 共同研究集会,2015年10月,会議報告/口頭発表
  6. Ichikawa, Tomohide, et al. "Beat-to-beat T-wave amplitude variability in the risk stratification of right ventricular outflow tract-premature ventricular complex patients." Europace (2015): euu404.
  7. Taishin Nomura, Yasuyuki Suzuki, Chunjiang Fu, Naoya Yoshikawa, Ken Kiyono "Stability and Flexibility During Human Motor Control" The 5th International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics, June 3-7, 2015
  8. Chunjiang Fu, Yasuyuki Suzuki, Ken Kiyono, Taishin Nomura "A Model of Gait Cycle Variability During Human Walking" The 5th International Conference on Cognitive Neurodynamics, June 3-7, 2015
  9. 島谷哲史, 渡邉英一, 鈴木康之, 野村泰伸, 清野健 "心臓植込み型デバイスの国内手術件数分析に基づく将来需要予測モデルの構築" 第54回日本生体医工学会大会, 5月7日-9日, 2015
  10. 松井翔二郎, 渡邉英一, 鈴木康之, 野村泰伸, 清野健 "睡眠時無呼吸症候群を合併した心疾患患者における終夜睡眠ポリグラフデータの特性と予後との関係" 第54回日本生体医工学会大会, 5月7日-9日, 2015
  11. 藤井翔太, 鈴木康之, 野村泰伸, 渡邉英一, 早野順一郎, 山本義春, 清野健 "心不全患者の予後予測因子としての心拍変動低周波成分の変調特性" 第54回日本生体医工学会大会, 5月7日-9日, 2015
  12. 三木裕貴, 鈴木康之, 野村泰伸, 渡邉英一, 早野順一郎, 山本義春, 清野健 "心拍変動の時間相関に見られるスケーリングとクロスオーバー特性" 第54回日本生体医工学会大会, 5月7日-9日, 2015
  13. 安定かつ柔軟なヒト直立姿勢の神経制御仮説,野村泰伸,鈴木康之,清野健,付春江,吉川直也,佐古田三郎,バイオメカニズム学会誌,Vol. 39, No. 4, pp.185-195,2015年10月,解説・総説
  14. Naoya Yoshikawa, Yasuyuki Suzuki, Ken Kiyono, Taishin Nomura "Intermittent Appearance of Saddle Type Dynamics During Human Stick Balancing on a Manually Controlled Cart" 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, August 25-29, 2015
  15. Yasuyuki Suzuki, Hiroki Morimoto, Ken Kiyono, Pietro Morasso, Taishin Nomura "Non-Actively Controlled Double Inverted Pendulum-Like Dynamics Can Minimize Center of Mass Acceleration during Human Quiet Standing" 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, August 25-29, 2015
