1. Tomohisa Yamamoto, Yasuyuki Suzuki, Kunihiko Nomura, Taishin Nomura, Takao Tanahashi, Kei Fukada, Takayuki Endo, and Saburo Sakoda,"A Classification of Postural Sway Patterns During Upright Stance in Healthy Adults and Patients with Parkinson's Disease",Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics,Vol.15 No.8 pp.997-1010
  2. Kazuya Okawa and Taishin Nomura,"Dynamics of neuronal network models with a large number of ion-channel-based interneuron models for motor patten generation",第26回生体・生理工学シンポジウム論文集,BPES2011 pp.297-298
  3. Taishin Nomura,"Slow Fluctuations with long-term correlations in postural sway during human quiet standing",第26回生体・生理工学シンポジウム論文集,BPES2011 pp.552-553
  4. 吉田信久,鈴木康之,野村泰伸,"ヒト静止立位時の微弱皮膚感覚刺激が重心動揺に与える影響",生体医工学シンポジウム2011予稿集,予稿集CD 2-9-4
  5. Yasuyuki Suzuki, Taishin Nomura, and Pietro Morasso,"Stability of Double Inverted Pendulum Model during Human Quiet Stance with Continuous Delay Feedback Control",33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS Boston, Massachusetts USA, August 30- September 3, 2011,pp.7450-7453
  6. Farhanahani Mahmud, Naruhiro Shiozawa, Masaaki Makikawa, Taishin Nomura,"Reentrant Excitation in an Analog-Digital Hybrid Circuit Model of Cardiac Tissue",Chaos,21, 023121
  7. 野村泰伸,"ヒト静止立位姿勢の神経制御モデル",日本神経回路学会誌,Vol.18, No.2 ,pp.85-98
  8. 弓倉陽介, 浅井義之, 鈴木康之, 安部武志, 野村泰伸,"Physiome.jpにおける汎用マルチエージェントモデル開発システムの構築",信学技報,vol. 110, no. 461, NC2010-132, pp. 29-34
  9. 野村泰伸,"統合的生命科学推進のためのITプラットフォームの開発とその利用-ヒト運動機能の神経制御と崩壊メカニズムの研究を中心に-",pp17-32
